Fluffernutter Pie Recipe
Jun 28, 2023
- 1 small container mallow fluff
- 1 tub cool whip
- 1 pint ice cream
- A few handfuls Spanish peanuts
- 1/2 C. - 1 C. honey roasted peanut butter
- 2 sleeves club crackers
Line 8”x8” glass baking dish with criss-crossed parchment paper
Cover bottom and sides of the dish with club crackers
Mix ice cream and peanut butter together and smooth into the bottom of the dish on top of the crackers
Cover ice cream layer with red peanuts
Mix fluff and cool whip together and smooth over the peanut layer
Cover top with club crackers; press that cracker layer evenly into the top
Freeze at coldest temp you can for at least 8 hours and slice
- If you want ice cream sandwich style bars, you need to freeze this as cold as you possibly can. Otherwise it is likely you’ll want to serve on a plate (which you will want to lick clean.)
- Any peanut butter works, but if you’re buying some especially for this recipe, get a honey roast. Even better is the grind-your-own honey roasted peanut butter at Whole Foods. This delectably gritty texture and sweet-saltiness make the pie stand out.
- Have fun with your ice cream choice. Vanilla is obvious, but we used an ice cream with cookie pieces in it and that really added some depth. You could also do a nice toffee, sweet cream, or my personal favorite (which I will likely adapt for this blog) STRAWBERRY.
- This is an adaptation of a recipe I saw from Dan Pelosi ❤️
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